Monday, July 29, 2013

Which pot shall I use?

Well I have been drinking lots of tea and retesting my pots to see what tea works best with what pot.
I think as I find the way of tea my taste preferences change or become better tuned.
So i notice differences in flavor from one pot to another really are very distinguishable.

My #1 sheng pot still has to be the xi shi that I have mostly been using. I think it is a combination of the clay, shape, and now the many infusions it has made. The only one thing that I could say negative about it is it is a little slower pour than some of my other pots, but thats really not a problem. 

Another good sheng pot that I have started to use when I want a bit more volume is a pot I got from Peter at It is about 140ml and since I have been drinking more young sheng the couple months it has began to give a good flavor. The shape and size of the lid are what I most like about it. Also the detailed engraving around the lid are really nice. Very fast pour also. I think it will look really good with a few seasons of use.

This next pot is a favorite for its look and color. It also has a beautiful dragon swirling inside the pot. 
It is the pot I have had the longest, of the ones I use. I originally used this pot for shu, but now I also use it for wetter stored sheng also as it really smooths the flavors out. So that is what it usually gets now as I dont drink shu too often.

The purion pot I have been testing with different teas. It is said to be good for aged pu and roasted oolongs. I found it to not do very well with the puerh, as the yixing is much better. But for the oolongs it does really bring out the flavors. So it is now designated to mostly roasted wuyi and taiwan oolongs.

I have been sampling a few around  6-10 year aged sheng and have been trying  to really narrow it down as to what my next purchases will be. Waiting for some more samples to try and then will be stocking up on few really good teas.

I have a few tea notes to post but just haven't had the time to get them on the blog.
I will be posting more soon.
I also am going to be getting rid of a few pots and teas for sale or trade at low price as I will be moving soon, if anyone is interested let me know and I can send you a list.
I will make a post of what I am going to offer, as soon as I get everything in order.


  1. Hi Emmett, I have been using my yixing pot again regularly. I however am steeping semiball-rolled style oolongs which I steep exclusively in that pot. I just received a new Tung Ting from 2012 autumn pluck, frozen summit. Really excellent. I have not experimented much with puerh teas as of yet, but in my plans. Great blog! -Jeff

  2. Be careful Jeff if you get into the puerh you might not ever go back. But it is the most interesting and varied flavor profile than any other drink period. As for the oolongs do you drink the new greener style or the roasted, semi-roasted? Where did you get the tung ting from?

  3. Hey Emmett, I am already obsessed with my other teas, so actually trying to hold off...LOL. The oolongs I enjoy tend to be light to medium roasted and oxidized (10 to 30%). I get my Tung Ting as well as most of my teas from They have an excellent product as well as superb knowledge and customer service.

  4. Actually got my favorite Xi shi pot from them too. I have had a few of there teas but not really delved into too much of there offerings. I would really love to visit there shop some day. The books they have written are probably the best english language tea books I think..

    1. Agreed about their tea books... I have a couple. I too would like to visit in person, but have not yet had the opportunity. Along with the Tung Ting, I just purchased a new yellow and white tea from them.

  5. You mentioned your purion pot did not 'do very well' with pu erh. Could you elaborate? Thank you.

    1. You probably would not notice if you did not have a comparison, but drinking the same tea, in this case 2000 cnnp raw from life in teacup, in the purion I get a slight drying almost sandy texture in the liquor, and the flavor of the tea has a slight astringency that when infused in the yixing is not present. Yixing gives a very smooth silky texture and a rounder smoother flavor with no astringency. It probably has to do with the fact that I have used my yixings with raw puerh much longer and they are getting well seasoned. But I have been testing these pots and I get the same results with different teas.
      The reason for me to use a good clay pot is to round off any rough edges the tea may have and the purion does not do this for me. But I love the way it brings out the full flavor of the oolongs. So it really again is just preference.
