Should I write about these teas anymore? as Hobbes has already spoken of them
here it would seem my words would have no more effect. I will go ahead, although I will never reach the far corners of the webworld as he. Nor will my words ever be as poetic.
Poems everybody, the laddie reckons himself a poet!...
Sorry Hobbes I had to say it (as I bow in respect... with a grin)
Lets get to it,
Golden Tips a tea vendor out of India serving up "Real Indian Teas"
I was also contacted about a month ago and offered to try a few samples of there teas, and write up a review. Free single estate Indian tea? hell yes I will take some.
Fancy Cloth covered packaging |
I received the package this past Saturday and told myself I would let the teas rest a week or so to acclimate after the long trip, but who was I kidding. After admiring the intricate packaging work for a few minutes I get the pocketknife out and slice up the cloth to discover an array of mystically named teas ready to jump into my cup. So I fire up the kettle.
Before I get to the teas I will have to say that I am not big on black tea. Not because I dont like it, but because I really haven't had any that would really get my attention for longer than a few cups.
But I do like a good green in the spring, I used to get some really good Longjing from a small shop in Chicago chinatown at Mr, Chen's tea/vegetable shop, where many a gungfu session have been held. But he no longer carries the same quality and prices have gone up. I still go in for a few cups of tea when Im in the neighborhood but only get the dry rose buds for my wifes tea.
Mr. Chen's tea corner |
100ml gaiwan |
With that said I cleaned the gaiwan and started with the green sample,
Avaata supreme Nilgiri is some good tea, The flavors are somewhere between a good longjing and a good gyokuro with no astringency even when left to steep for long. I really liked this tea and with good quality chinese green tea prices rising steadily I would be better off getting this.
Then I hit the Darjeelings,
After the first sip of Giddapaher Musketel I had to take a step back and asked myself, why have I not had good Darjeeling before? This stuff is damn good.
This tea reminded me of Taiwans oriental beauty and that is a tea I have always favored.
If your into Indian teas or have not explored them yet like me, I would really recommend these Darjeelings, each one has its own aroma and flavor as they are single estate high quality, Mostly full leaf also and not that chopped mess you get from cheap black tea.
The Assams are a bit heavier and stronger flavored and will pick you up in the morning fast but not to my personal liking,
The silver needle white tea was decent, but I would much prefer a good spring pick white peony.
I have been drinking these Darjeelings everyday this week and am surprised by the different flavors I am getting. Even tried grandpa style and they do very well. Left the Thurbo Moonlight brewing overnight in the glass tumbler and was very pleased with the results.
The only one I am holding off on trying is the Original Masala Chai.
Now back to my beloved Sheng puerh.